It is just over two years since the introduction of the Holiday Rental Licence in Andalucia or the VFT Licence as it is commonly known.
Since then almost 27,000 properties have been granted a holiday rental licence, although many are still, in the process of adding the elusive First Occupation Licence.
Those who fail to add the FOL are issued with a ten-day window to provide the licence or proof that they are in the process of obtaining one. Failure to provide the First Occupation Licence or Cedula causes the licence to be revoked or pay the related fines.
On February 7th a change to the rental licence law came into effect.
The new addition has been added to the decree regarding rural areas, camping and campsites (Decreto 28/2018) under Article 40 and the government issued an adjustment to these areas.
The additional clause in the law applies to properties in the municipal area of town or village with less than 20,000 inhabitants.
Up to now, these properties were unable to register for a VFT. These properties had to comply with regulations relating to Rural Rental Properties such as Hostels and Small hotels, making it an expensive process for owners who wanted to rent out a 2 bedroom Finca for example. (Decreto 20/2002).Handicapped access, fire escapes etc made it prohibitive for private rural owners to comply to the law.
With these new amendment owners in rural villages who did not meet the legal requirements to obtain either a rural holiday rental licence or a holiday, a rental licence can now apply for the VFT holiday rental licence and promote their properties for rentals in time for of another bumper summer on the most popular online rental portals.
This is great news for owners who were at risk of losing their rental income from their properties or face a fine for renting illegally. It is a very positive step from the Junta De Andalucia in the regularisation of holiday rental properties and also allows tourists to avail of many different types of accommodation in Andalucia.
Here at Legal Costa Properties Spain, we have successfully obtained many licences for owners alongside obtaining First Occupation Licences for those who did not have one.
If you are planning to rent your property for holiday lets you must have a licence.
Contact us [email protected] for more information regarding your property and what you need to door.
Click on this link to easily get registered
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